Tourists love to visit Fraser Island.
Many visitors to Fraser Island have no idea what to expect, what to bring, or how to get there.
Here is a list of some of the most common questions about Fraser Island.
Can You Drink The Water On Fraser Island?
- YES. Water that is provided in the taps at the resorts and rental accommodation is suitable to drink. Otherwise, please read the signs to check if the water is suitable for drinking
Where does Fraser island water come from?
The drinking water is sourced from an underground bore that provides clean safe water that is just as nice and refreshing as any bottled water.
Not all places on Fraser Island have drinking water
It’s always a good idea to bring along some bottled water in case you’re in an area that does not have drinking water provided. Should you be in a campground or using restroom facilities please read the signs to ensure that the water is for drinking.
Do Road Rules Apply When Driving On Fraser Island Beaches?
YES… all normal road rules apply. As do wearing seat belts, blood alcohol limit of .05, speed limits, indicating, and overtaking. There is a Police station on the island and they do patrol the beaches.
Remember Driver Etiquette. Please get to know our common courtesy when driving on Fraser Island.
Do You Need A 4WD To Drive On Fraser Island?
Yes… you will need a 4WD to drive on Fraser Island. Preferable a vehicle that has high clearance and upgraded suspension
Is There A McDonald’s On Fraser Island?
NO… sorry no Mcdonald’s or any western fast food outlets. Pies and sausage rolls are readily available.
Where Can I Find Out About The Tides?
See Queensland Tide Tables…. ( Waddy Point )
How Do I Book The Fraser Island Barges?
Manta-Ray Barge ( Rainbow Beach to Hook Point ) ph: 0418 872 599
Fraser Venture (River Heads to Wanggoolba Creek ) ph: 07 4194 9222
Kingfisher Bay Barges ( River Heads to Kingfisher Resort ) ph: 1800 072 555
Can I Drive A Normal Vehicle On Fraser Island?
No… You must have a 4WD vehicle to drive on Fraser Island. See about vehicle preparation here.
Are There Roads On Fraser Island?
The island has beach driving, boarded tracks & sandy tracks. There is no bitumen except for around the private resorts.
Can You Camp On Fraser Island?
YES…Camping is permitted on the beachfront and designated campgrounds. You must have a permit to do so.
Can I Bring My Caravan… Is There A Caravan Park?
YES…you can bring a caravan, however, there is no Caravan park. See About Towing A Caravan Here.
What Supplies Are Available On The Island?
Shopping for groceries and related supplies is very limited on Fraser island. We recommend you are as self-reliant as possible (especially if you are camping): Read more about what Supplies are available.
Can I Purchase Fuel For My Vehicle?
YES… fuel is available in the townships. The prices per litre are far more expensive than the mainland due to transportation costs.
Can You Bring Pets To Fraser Island?
NO… pets are not permitted in a heritage-listed national park.
Is There A Doctor Or Medical Centre On The Island?
NO… The island does not have a Doctors surgery, medical centre or Chemist. However, it does have an Ambulance stationed at Happy Valley during peak times and school holidays. Occasionally a resident Doctor can be located at Orchid Beach
Is There A Mobile Phone Service?
YES… Mobile connection is good in most areas on the east side of the island if your Provider is Telstra. Resorts have wifi for internet service. (No other service providers have a signal.)
Can I Pat Or Feed The Dingos?
NO….it is illegal to feed or interact with wild Dingos. You can be prosecuted & fined.
When Is The Best Time To See The Humpback Whales?
You can spot Humpback Whales between August and October they move south from Northern waters. The best viewing spots are at Waddy Point and Indian Head.
Are There Lifeguards On The Beaches Or Swim Between The Flags?
NO… the beaches are not patrolled. Swimming in the seawater is at your own risk.
How Many Tourists Visit The Island Every Year?
Approximately 450 000 and rising every year.
How Can I Get More Answers If My Question Is Not Here?
If you have a question about Fraser Island, just use our contact form, I would be glad to answer any question you might have.
Or you can browse through this website, It has loads of information for the new or experienced visitor.