In this video we’re going to show you the inland beach track at Hook Point. The place to go if you get caught crossing to Fraser Island at high tide.
Today Rusty and I have come across on the barge at high tide to just show you what the inland track is like and how to access it.
How to get around Hook Point at high tide?
Rusty explains how to get around Hook Point at high tide using the Inland Beach Track
If you happened to get caught out and miss the tide or get delayed for whatever reason, there is a little track that you can use to get around the point.
Some extremely keen or uneducated drivers take the risks of driving at high tide. Unfortunately many have had their vehicles towed off the island before their holiday has even started. And quite often the area around Hook Point is the place that it happens most.
One of the dangers of beach driving on the island is that the eastern beach is prone to having huge wave surges that come up rather expectantly and catch many vehicles and drivers unaware. These surges can push you up high onto the sand banks and actually trap you as the water comes racing in.
So do as the QPWS recommend and travel close as possible to low tide ( 2 hours before – up to 2 hours after)
Where Is The Inland Track?
Once you drive off the Barge at Hook Point keep an eye out as you drive up the beach for the signs to the entrance to the inland beach track. It will be on your passenger (left) side about 500m if your travelling north.
If you are travelling down south back to the Barge at Hook Point you will enter the inland track just past the Dilli Village Turnoff. Keep a look out for the sign in the dunes.
Is the Inland Track Dangerous?
This inland track is just a rough gravely track that runs parallel to the beach up the middle of the island. It is a fairly rough track so to take it nice and easy especially if your tyre pressure is lower than usual. There are many pot holes and some rougher spots that you have to watch out for especially if you are towing campers, boats or trailers.
Travelling along this route is better than driving through the salt-water along the beach if the tide is high. We have seen many vehicles trying to plough through that either find themselves caught against the sandbank with waves washing into them or salt water up to their doors. Either is not good for your vehicle or your stress levels.

Use the inland track if you get caught out at hight tide
Another thing to watch out for on the inland beach track is oncoming vehicles. The tour buses and the tour operators will definitely be using this track at high tide so just watch out going around corners that you don’t have a head on collision.
Once you reach the end of the inland track you will arrive at the entrance back onto the main eastern of the famous 75 Mile Beach
A short driving distance from this point will take you to the turn off to Dilli Village. Further along 75 Mile Beach will have you passing Eurong Village.
If you fancy a stop to have a snack or re fuel or just pass on some time until low tide, Eurong a nice place to pull up.
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More: Fraser Island Driving Tips